Monday, January 28, 2013

on the next great thing

What will be YOUR Space Jam?

The very first thing I do most mornings is take my phone off the charger and check my email.  It is a horrible habit and I really kinda hate that I routinely check both my personal email and work email before 8am most mornings—and then I check Facebook.  DAMN SMARTPHONE.  (sometimes I wish I still had a stupid phone.)  Now, I usually just delete the spam and look over what is in the inbox, I don’t read the emails or posts, I just like to know what the day has in store for me.

This morning I noticed an email from the best…a forwarded tweet from someone I don’t follow crediting one of her favorites, Lin Manuel Miranda…okay, I am sure it will be something showtune-y.  I’ll check that out later, I thought.  I proceeded on to my usual facebook check…and there was this link posted by numerous people—before 8am.

I get to work and decide to check out what all the hype is about this video…Kid President made me cry before 9am this morning.

Okay, I think it is pretty important to note that I am kinda on the verge of tears ALL-THE-TIME right now, and I am not sure why, but…that is neither here nor there.

So, Kid President is talking to us about what we need to do—we need to never give up.  “What if Michael Jordan gave up?” (then he quips, well…he did give up, he retired…but what about high school?  If he had given up in high school-we would have never had SPACE JAM…and I love Space Jam.)


You know what, I wish I knew what would be my Space Jam.  I think Kid President hit one of my very extended nails on the very broad head this morning.  I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE TO GO FROM HERE.
Now, don’t get me wrong…I know I love what I do.  I think I am pretty good at it too.  There are a handful of kids turned friends that reaffirm that the relationships built doing what I do CAN transcend the short 4 years…I am SO appreciative of those relationships!

But, where do I go from here?  What will be my next “great thing?”

Ideas and suggestions humbly accepted!

If you haven’t watched it yet—check out Kid President

for now,

1 comment:

  1. I love that you think this way Lindsey. Your next great thing is now and always. You are right in the middle of that giant impact. You are the amazing Lindsey Morgan. Maybe your smart phone has a app for that. (A program that reminds Lindsey how truly remarkable she is every single day. You might get sick of hearing it ... but it is so true.)
