Monday, October 11, 2010

on being happy

Do ONE thing every day that makes you happy.

It is a lot easier said then done...

Nearly a year ago I was sitting across the table from one of the few people in this world that has always taken time to not just hear what I am saying, but to listen too.  I had been living in Tampa for just a few months and I was still really struggling with the transition to life down here.  I was not sure if I was where I was supposed to be.  I was living in what could have been as opposed to what was.  I was choosing to look at what I didn’t have anymore instead of what I did have.  Sitting across that table with parallel conversations happening-Me, intently listening...but probably sharing more while Chris talked boats happily right next to me.  Something hit me after that happens with most after these great talks...and I realized that I need to not only SAY I am going to make a difference...but I need to DO SOMETHING to remind me why it is so important to hold myself accountable to DO ONE THINGS EVERY DAY THAT MAKES ME HAPPY!

It was actually a phone call I received on Monday, November 16 that made me start this process--but I promised myself that every day, for the next 365 days I would do something that made me happy.  Some days it has been something I have done for the reason of making a personal decision to do something for me...some days I have found true and pure joy in what I was doing anyway.  Either way...with just a few weeks until I have marked 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days of happiness--I decided to look back to where it all began. 

There have been very few people who know I am actually doing this project.  I talk about it occasionally but I am not sure who knows that I literally sit with a blank calendar, sometimes daily..sometimes weekly...and yesterday, I filled in 3 weeks...with little pictures that represent the things I have done, the moments I don’t want to forget, the things that make me happy. 

My first year in Tampa has not been an easy one.  I struggle often with what brought me here.  I battle regularly with what I want most, what I am striving for and how I am supposed to get there from this starting point.  I still don’t know the answer to any of these questions--what I do know, is taking the time to focus on what IS and what  makes things better is more beneficial than dwelling on the unknown and the struggles I face (or feel I face) on a regular basis.

Honestly, this process makes me want to blog the 365 days of happiness NEXT year....but...we will see...

for now


1 comment:

  1. What a perfect idea. Everyone should adopt a happy project.
